It's Strawberry Time!
Luscious organic strawberries from Big Lick Farm
Friday was a busy day. I baked 144 very large (six half-sheet pans!) Raspberry-Walnut Brownies in the morning and spent the afternoon catching up on housework. At 3:15 pm I plopped down in a chair to visit with my son, who had just gotten home from school. At 3:25 (you know how long visiting with teenagers lasts when all they want to do is chill out with a TV show), still in the chair, I checked my Facebook feed on my iPhone. What to my wandering eyes did appear but Suzi from Big Lick Farm posting that their first picking of organic strawberries would be for sale at the Lookingglass farmers market from 4 to 6 that very day!!! Nothing like news of fresh local produce to perk me up. I was out of the chair and out the door by 3:30 and I arrived at the market five minutes before they officially opened.
Asinete was filling pint baskets with berries when I walked in. I splurged and bought five!!! I also picked up a loaf of bread from Anthony's Artisan Bread and two packages of super-lean grass-fed beef from Circle Star Ranch.
I ate berries all the way home, so juicy and sweet and such a welcome change from apples, oranges, and bananas. We ate a huge bowl with our dinner and took some in our picnic lunch at a baseball tournament on Saturday. I finished off the last few as part of my Mother's Day breakfast.
This is the earliest I can remember having local strawberries in the thirty-two years I have lived in Roseburg. Brosi Sugartree Farms in Winston has even begun their u-pick strawberries, as of yesterday. If the weather keeps up, Kruse Farms and The Berry Patch can't be far behind.
Bring it on, farmers!