What's for Dinner? A Taste of Turkey (the country, not the bird we're all tired of)
Our next OSU Extension/Master Food Preserver What's for Dinner? class will be held Wednesday, January 21 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Sutherlin Community Building, 150 S. Willamette St. (off Central Avenue), Sutherlin, Oregon.
This month we are featuring a Turkish menu of:
Red Lentil Soup
Shepherd's Salad
Grilled peppers with yogurt
Rotisserie chicken
Grilled Lamb with tomatoes and onions
Turkish Tea
The class will be taught by friends of mine, Ron and Jane Brown of Umpqua, who lived in Turkey for more than three years while they both served in the US Air Force. The Browns spent most of their time in small villages and towns and developed a love for the local cuisine. I'm sure they'll have some great stories to share
A full lunch is included with the $15 registration fee.
To register stop by the Extension office at 1134 SE Douglas in Roseburg or print off a form at extension.oregonstate.edu/douglas/food and mail it with your check to:
Douglas Co/OSU Extension
Attn: MFP-CLPO Box 1165
Roseburg, OR 97470
Pre-registration is required. Class is limited to 24 participants. Registration deadline is Monday, January 19 by 5:00 PM. Questions? Call the OSU Extension office at 672-4461.
Hope to see you there!