New Printer-Friendly Posts!
It's been a long time coming, but I finally figured out how to make a printer-friendly option for my posts. Now, if you scroll down to the bottom of the post or recipe you will see a link that says "Print this Post." When you click on it you will print only the photo and text for that post, without the header, side-bar, archives, etc. No more cutting and pasting into your word processor! You can check it out by using your print preview tool to see how the printed post would look. Doesn't work from the home page; you must click on a post link.
Only a couple of drawbacks. First, if I set my blog to "Show Comments" it will print all of the comments, which can turn a one-page recipe into two pages. If I set my blog to exclude the comments, you can't see them online. I'll keep working on that. Second, it doesn't print the name of the blog anywhere on the page. Lest you forget where the recipe came from, I have added "flavorsoftheumpqua" next to my name at the end of each post.
If any of you know how to fix either of these two technical difficulties, you could be rewarded with something delicious from my kitchen! I'd rather be baking!